OK. These conversion factors may not have anything to do with anything to do with leachate, but it rained all day yesterday...
1. Basic unit of laryngitis? = 1 hoarsepower
2. 1 million-million microphones? = 1 megaphone
3. 1 million bicycles? = 2 megacycles
4. 2000 mockingbirds? = 2 kilomockingbirds
5. 10 cards? = 1 decacards
6. 1 kilogram of falling figs? = 1 Fig Newton
7. 1000 milliliters of wet socks? = 1 literhosen
8. 1 millionth of a fish? = 1 microfiche
9. 1 trillion pins? = 1 terrapin
If you would like to add any more "conversion factors" email us, or add yours in a comment on the Blog.
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